Looking glass - POSTTechnologies
Looking Glass
Check the routing quality and efficiency of the IP network as well as interconnection with partners.

Our networks

Over 99% of Luxembourg households are connected to the POST Technologies broadband network and 81,3% have fixed Internet coverage of 1 Gbit/s. Work to expand the fibre optic network is ongoing, with over 18,000 km of fibre optic cables being laid and over 1,200,000 km of fibre optics already deployed.

Best mobile network in Luxembourg 2022 - An overall score of "outstanding" in the "Mobile network test in Luxembourg" run by Umlaut and Connect Magazine. 94.8% of the population now has access to 5G.

International network with an international presence in 16 locations offering high capacity/bandwith across different types of service and technology: Ethernet connectivity, IP Transit, Wavelength
Why choose us?
The wholesale organisation of POST Luxembourg Group operates POST Fixed and Mobile telecommunication networks as well as the national and international connectivity for local and foreign operators.